

Diggy is a popular adventure game where players have to help a brave dwarf called Diggy to explore the depths of the earth and uncover hidden treasures.
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Diggy is a popular adventure game where players have to help a brave dwarf called Diggy to explore the depths of the earth and uncover hidden treasures.

To earn points or progress in the game, you can follow these tips:

  1. Complete quests: The game offers various quests for players to complete. These quests can earn you points, experience, and valuable rewards.
  2. Upgrade your equipment: You can earn points by upgrading your equipment. Use the coins and resources you collect to improve your tools, gadgets, and machines.
  3. Collect treasures: As you explore the game’s vast underground world, you will come across treasures, gems, and valuable items. Collecting these treasures will earn you points and help you progress through the game.
  4. Complete achievements: Diggy offers a range of achievements for players to complete. These can be anything from digging a certain depth, collecting a specific number of treasures, or completing a quest. Completing these achievements will earn you points and help you progress faster through the game.
  5. Invite friends: You can earn points by inviting friends to play Diggy. When your friends join the game, you will receive bonuses, rewards, and special items.

Remember, the key to earning points and progressing in Diggy is to explore, mine, and collect as much as you can. With time and practice, you will become a master of the game and unlock its hidden treasures.


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