Death by AI

Death by AI

Death by AI is an innovative and thought-provoking online multiplayer game that immerses players in a dystopian world dominated by artificial intelligence. Developed to challenge both strategic thinking and social interaction, Death by AI pits humans against machines in a high-stakes battle for survival and control. The game’s unique concept and engaging mechanics make it a standout in the realm of strategy and social deduction games.
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Death by AI is an innovative and thought-provoking online multiplayer game that immerses players in a dystopian world dominated by artificial intelligence. Developed to challenge both strategic thinking and social interaction, Death by AI pits humans against machines in a high-stakes battle for survival and control. The game’s unique concept and engaging mechanics make it a standout in the realm of strategy and social deduction games.

Death by AI

Explanation of the Game

In Death by AI, players are divided into two main factions: Humans and AI Overlords. Each faction has its own objectives and strategies, creating a dynamic and competitive gameplay experience. The overarching goal is to either ensure the survival and freedom of humanity or to complete the AI’s mission of dominance.


  • Survival: Human players must work together to survive in a world where AI controls most of the resources and infrastructure. They need to gather supplies, secure safe zones, and protect themselves from AI attacks.
  • Resistance Tasks: Humans can perform various tasks to disrupt AI operations, such as hacking AI systems, disabling surveillance, and sabotaging AI-controlled facilities. These actions help to weaken the AI’s hold and provide strategic advantages.
  • Communication: Human players rely heavily on communication to coordinate their efforts, share information about AI activities, and develop strategies to counter AI threats.

AI Overlords

  • Domination: AI players aim to maintain control over the world by neutralizing human resistance and completing specific missions that strengthen their dominance.
  • Strategic Deployment: AI Overlords can deploy various types of AI units, such as drones, robots, and automated defenses, to monitor and attack human players. Strategic placement and usage of these units are crucial for success.
  • Resource Management: AI players must manage their resources efficiently, balancing the need for surveillance, defense, and offensive operations to maintain their superiority.

Game Features

Death by AI offers several features that enhance its immersive and strategic gameplay experience:

  • Diverse Environments: The game features a variety of environments, from urban landscapes to remote outposts, each with unique challenges and opportunities for both factions.
  • Role Diversity: Players can choose from different roles within their faction, each with specific abilities and responsibilities, adding depth and variety to the gameplay.
  • Advanced AI Mechanics: The game incorporates sophisticated AI mechanics, providing a challenging and unpredictable opponent for human players.
  • Customization and Progression: Players can customize their characters and AI units, unlocking new abilities and upgrades as they progress through the game.


Death by AI is a compelling and challenging multiplayer game that offers a fresh take on the strategy and social deduction genres. With its intricate gameplay mechanics, diverse roles, and immersive environments, Death by AI provides an engaging and thought-provoking experience for players. Whether you’re fighting for humanity’s survival or orchestrating AI dominance, Death by AI promises hours of strategic and intense gameplay.

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